Callahan Senior Center June Happenings
535 Union Avenue, Framingham:
Support Groups at Callahan Senior Center - Bereavement Support Group: Mondays, June 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 10:00 am. Diabetic Support Group: The Diabetic Support Group will not meet in June. The group will resume on Tuesday, July 11, 2006. Grandparent Support Group: Tuesday, June 13 at 1:00 pm and Tuesday, June 27 at 6:45 pm. Low Vision Group: Friday, June 16 at 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Massage Therapy: Thursday, June 1 by appt. only. Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday, June 20 at 1:30 pm. Podiatry: Monday, June 12 from 12:30 pm to 3:15 pm, by appt. only. Stroke Survivors’ Support Group: Monday, June 5 at 1:00 pm.
BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC FOR JUNE - Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 9:30—11am & 12—1 pm. Note: Clinic hours may be limited for the summer—please speak with nurse regarding dates and hours of this clinic.
CARDIOVASCULAR CLINIC IN JUNE - The Cardiovascular Clinic will be on Tuesday, June 6th at 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM. A doctor from the MetroWest Medical Center and nurse Kitty Mahoney from the Framingham Board of Health will be at the Senior Center to check your blood pressure, answer any questions and address individual concerns. For further information, please contact Kitty Mahoney at 508-532-5472. No Cardiovascular Clinic in July and August.
We are hoping to have a ‘Chair Exercise’ presentation in the month of June. However, the speakers for the ‘Cancer Prevention & Awareness’ presentation in April and the ‘Angioplasty’ presentation in May did not show up and did not call to cancel, leaving a number of people very disappointed. Check the lobby reader board at the Center for up-to-date information on presentations. We are working on securing wellness speakers from another organization.
Brophy/ Callahan Bingo - On Thursday, June 15th, we will again celebrate our friendship with the Brophy Elementary School. Twenty-one students will arrive at 10:45 am for a morning of “Bingo with the Seniors” and a pizza lunch. We welcome seniors who are interested in participating in this inter-generational program—a morning of fun and laughter. Please sign up with the front desk or call Ann Steacie at 508-532-5980, extension 4113 to ensure your reservation for pizza and bingo.
Veterans’ Benefits Presentation - Thursday, June 8th 10:00 am at Callahan Center - The primary focus of this presentation will be on direct financial and medical reimbursement benefits. There are many more benefits that you may not be aware of, so come and listen to this speaker from the Commonwealth of MA, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans’ Services.
The Framingham Board of Health Presents - ‘KEEP MOVING” (A Healthy Habits for Life Program) Special Registration at the Callahan Senior Center from June 5th through June 9th, each day from 10:00 - 11:00 AM - The Board of Health Nurses will be at the Callahan to help you register and take your blood pressure, weight, health history and give you the program information. You will be provided with a pedometer, sunscreen and other goodies! Registration will also be available through the Board of Health office during clinic hours Monday-Friday from 8:30—9:30 AM and 4:00-4:45 PM and Monday evenings from 6:00—8:00 PM. Participants: During the months of June, July and August you will be offered guidance in developing your own “Get Moving” plan. In September, the Public Health Nurses will meet with each participant again to evaluate how the Get Moving Program has improved your health.
PROPERTY TAX RELIEF PROGRAM - The Property Tax Relief Program will open registration in the month of August. If you qualify for this program, you may work 74.4 hours and get a credit of $500.00 off your property taxes. Check the August Courier for the dates to come to the Center to see if you qualify for this worthwhile tax relief program for seniors. No appointments will be made until August.
Friday, June 16th at 10:00 am - ARTHRITIS PRESENTATION: “Non-Prescription Remedies for Pain – What works and what is safe”
Wednesday, June 28th at 10:00 am - FREE Slide Show of newly announced overnight trips presented by Collette Travel.
Thursday, June 29th at 10:00 am - MUSICAL CONCERT with Professor Marc Widershien and Ms. Ilse Agte
Attention all Senior Golfers! Join us for a round golf on Wednesday mornings (weather permitting)
Time: 10:00 am Where: Stoneybrook Golf Course, Southboro, MA Cost: $11.00 Please call
Rosalie Cotton at 508-877-0681 for more details or any questions you may have.
Bocce Starts on May 26th! Bocce will start on Monday, May 26th. If you are interested in playing, please sign your name on the list you will find on the large bulletin board in the Recreation Room of the Callahan Center. You may call Dick Bonvini at 508-877-2824 for more details.
Lawn Chair Drill Team - If you are interested in being on the Callahan Center Lawn Chair Drill Team and participate in some local parades, please sign your name to the list on the bulletin board in the Recreation Room at the Callahan Center. Please call Dick Bonvini at 508-877-2824 for more information.
Do you have a key tag for the Callahan Center….you need one! The Callahan Center has finally come onboard with the technology of the 21st Century! This new system will make checking in easier for you, as well as collect data, sort it out and give us the reports we need to get our state funding! However, we need your help to make all of this happen. If you already have your key tag and are checking in with ease—that’s great! For those of you who do not have a key tag, you will be issued one the next time you come into the Center. We suggest you put it on your key chain or somewhere that will make it easy to locate it, when you arrive at the Center. A volunteer will be at a table in the Center lobby and will assist you with checking in. It is a very simple process and will only take seconds, once you have your card. Once you know how to use the system, you may bi-pass the volunteer and check yourself in. You are required to check in every day you come to the Center, and you may register for multiple activities or events that are taking place on that day - so you only have to check in once when you arrive and you are done for that day.
The way you check in is simple: show your key tag (bar code side) to the small beacon, when it beeps, a screen will come up on the computer monitor, with “Hello Mrs. Smith” (example), a list of boxes with all the days activities and events will be under that and you will tap the boxes of choice with your finger, they will be highlighted in yellow, then you touch the “I’m done” box in the bottom right corner and go off to your activity or event. There will be boxes for services such as Computer Center, SHINE, Social Services, Travel, etc. There is also a “friendly visitor” box, in the event that you are only coming in for a cup of coffee and conversation or to read the newspaper. We hope these instructions are helpful and that you will see the greatness in this new way of checking in, so that we can give a more accurate account of the increased attendance, activities, programs and services we are able to offer seniors in this area. Thank you, in advance, for your patience and cooperation with this new opportunity!
HERITAGE GALLERY Closes for the Summer - Heritage Gallery will close on Friday, June 30th.
Don’t forget Father’s Day - Sunday, June 18th! Wishing all a happy and safe summer! See you when Heritage Gallery re-opens on Wednesday, September 6th.
The next issue of the Callahan Happenings will be August 2006. You’ll want to check out our fall line-up of programs and events!