2009-2010 Framingham School Bus Routes

The 2009-2010 school begins on Wednesday, September 2, 2009 for all Framingham students in Grades 1-12. Morning and afternoon kindergarten sessions will begin on Thursday, September 3, 2009. Preschool sessions begin on Tuesday, September 8, 2009.

Bus stop times and bus route numbers are subject to change prior to school opening.
However, no changes in bus stop location will be made prior to October 1, 2009 unless required by documented and verified safety problems or changes in kindergarten routes.

Those students who do not know their bus assignments can go to the school attended to see their bus routes or receive the information at the principal's office when they arrive in school on their first day of school.

(NOTE: after clicking school, scroll down page to see all bus stops).




Framingham High

Marian High School

Fuller Middle School

McAuliffe Regional Charter

St. Bridget's





General Information:

  • Transportation to and from school is provided in accordance with state regulations and school district policy on distance.

  • Kindergarten through grade 6 transportation is provided free of charge to students who are eligible riders.

  • Kindergartners who are eligible for transportation are picked up either at their home or at a designated bus stop within close proximity and safe walking distance to their home.

  • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not require school districts to transport students in grades 7-12. Traditionally, Framingham has accommodated students who are eligible riders. Since 2003, the School Committee has offered fee-based transportation to eligible 7th to 12th graders for $ 270.00 per child; with a maximum of $ 540.00 per family. Bus fees are not prorated, except for new students entering school after the start of the fall term.

  • For those who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch: The fee is waived. A Free or Reduced Lunch application must be filled out, processed and approved before a bus pass will be issued. Applications will be available on the first day of school.

Bus Eligibility:

GradeDistance from Home to School
KindergartenMore than .25 mile
Grades 1-5More than 1.0 mile
Grades 6-8More than 1.5 miles
Grades 9-12More than 2.0 miles

Students in residences that measure less than mileage listed above are designated walkers.Parents can request a re-measurement by submitting a letter to the Superintendent's office - 14 Vernon Street, Framingham, MA 01701. Requests will be reviewed by the Town Engineer and the Safety Officer. Distance is measured from the point where the front walk of the residence meets the sidewalk to the standard bus drop-off in front of the school, as determined by the Engineering Department, Safety Officer and the Director of Transportation.

  • A limited number of seats on some buses are available for purchase by students who are designated walkers. A walker request form must be completed and submitted to the Parent Information Center by the deadline to be considered for open seats. If space is available, a pro-rated fee will be determined. Upon payment in full, the student may ride the bus for the remainder of the school year.

  • Bus routes are established in August. Routes are published at www.framingham.k12.ma.us prior to the start of school. Students who register during the year will be notified of their stop by their school.

  • Parents are responsible for transportation to and from childcare locations. The school district may be able to provide transportation assistance if you complete a Childcare Transportation Form by the deadline specified on the form. It is possible but not guaranteed that the school district may be able to transport an elementary school child to and from a childcare provider