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February 2024

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Sat, Feb 24th
Framingham Repair Cafe (at Scott Hall, 24 Vernon St, Framingham)
Got something that needs fixing or mending? Bring it to the Repair Cafe! Saturday, Feb 24th, 2024, from 2:00pm 'til 5:00pm, Scott Hall, 24 Vernon St., Framingham, MA. *** Our volunteers can help fix many things for free including: clothing, lamps, small appliances, computers/other electronics, bikes, batteries, toys, jewelry, and sewing machines. *** We will also have a station for sharpening straight knives, scissors and garden tools. *** If you know what parts are needed, please get them ahead of time. *** The Repair Cafe is an all-volunteer project that attempts to reverse our society's throw away culture by repairing items instead of tossing them in landfills. *** Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Framingham with support from Transition Framingham and First Parish in Framingham Unitarian Universalist. *** Visit Facebook Event page (using link below) for more info. *** Let us know if you have any questions!

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