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Looking for car tires or truck tires? Find a tire store in the Framingham area. We've included new tire dealers as well as places where you can buy used tires, custom rims and other items related to car or truck tires.

A-1 Used Auto Parts - used tires, rims, hubcaps.

BJ's - Member shopping, discount super-store carries several brands of tires. Full service tire shop will mount, balance and rotate tires. (No other automotive work performed at this store). Located next to Stop & Shop on Old Conn. Path.

Direct Tire - closest Direct Tire location near Framingham. Honors road hazard and other Direct Tire warranties an guarantees. (Located in Clover Leaf Mall, intersection of Rt. 9 and Speen St, near Natick Mall - approximately 3/4 miles from Framingham town line).

Firestone - carries complete line of Firestone tires, authorized warranty repair/replacement for Road Hazard and other Firestone tire warranties. Also carries some other brands. Located on Rt. 9 eastbound, just after Framingham / Natick town line.

Ron's Tire - full service tire dealer, also performs many types auto repair including: front-end and alignments, brakes, suspension, shocks, struts, clutches, air conditioning service, cooling, exhaust work and other types of automotive services. All ASE Certified Technicians. MA Vehicle Inspection Station. Open M-F 8:00am-5:30pm, Sat 8:00am - 12:30pm.

Sears Auto Center - carries Sears "Guardsman" brand tires, authorized location for Road Hazard and other Sears warranty repair and replacement. Also carries other brands of tires. (located in Natick Mall at intersection of Rt. 9 and Speen St. just after Framingham town line)

Sullivan Tire - tire dealer carries many brands and types of tires for passenger car, trucks, SUVs, heavy trucks, off road vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs, trailers and lawn and garden equipment.

Town Fair Tire - closest Town Fair Tire location to Framingham. Honors Town Fair Road Hazard Guarantee, and free lifetime tire maintenance services. (Located on Rt. 9, eastbound, approx 1/2 mile from Framingham / Natick town line).

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