Framingham Online News

Bird Song

February 17, 2010 (12:59 pm EST)
Filed under: Home & Garden by Deb Cleveland

photo by Deb Cleveland

FRAMINGHAM, MA - We added a bird-feeder and suet to a crab apple tree near our window bird-feeder.

But since the robins, we've only seen a chickadee or two intermittantly. Then this weekend, we had a grouping of Tufted Titmouse. One in particular kept coming to the windowsill and singing. I don't remember hearing that particular birdcall. Not that I have paid close attention before. I know crows and jays, and mourning doves, but that is about my repetoire.

There was once a very annoying bird that I could never see, that used to start chattering about 4:30 a.m. near my open window some summers ago. The Tufted Titmouse had a very pleasant chirp. I don't know if I will remember it, but I like it.

After the Titmouse left, a Junco with a very yellow beak showed up and perched on my neighbor's stockade fence for a while. He didn't sing, that I could hear.

Please note that since my knowledge of birds doesn't go much beyond robins, bluejays, crows, and pigeons, I use a two-sided guide, called the Audubon Alliance Bird Identifier, courtesy of my mother, to figure out my backyard visitors.


  1. You haven’t mentioned squirrels.
    If none show up you are fortunate.

    Comment by r. carol — February 18, 2010 @ 3:27 pm

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