Halloween in Framingham 2010

Oct. 30th -- Rediscover Pinefield Shopping Center and join in the fun with a children's costume parade, crafts (at McAuliffe Library), a Classic Car and Antique Truck Show, safe store-to-store Trick or Treating and more! (Event sponsored by Robinson's Hardware and other Pinefield merchants).
FRAMINGHAM, MA - Below is a list of just some of the Halloween activities taking in place in Framingham during the week leading up to Halloween ..but first, a little history about the origin of this wickedly fun holiday.
It's been a couple thousand years since the ancient Celtic people celebrated Samhain, a holiday occurring on the last day of October which marked the end of summer and time for harvest -- a time when the Celts believed the line between the living and the dead grew thin and spirits of the dead could return to Earth, (as ghosts). The Celts would dress in costumes and light bonfires as part of the rituals.
Conquered by the Romans, the Celtic harvest rituals were combined with two Roman holidays, Feralia, (a day to commemorate the dead), and Pomona, (a day to honor the godess of fruit and trees). As Christianity became more widespread, All Saints Day, (called "Alholowmesse" in early English), was celebrated on November 1st to honor Roman Catholic Saints and martyrs, and "All Souls (Day)", to honor all departed souls was celebrated on November 2nd.
Eventually Alholowmesse become known as "All-hallows (Day)". Since the Celtic holiday of Samhain was celebrated the night before, it became known as All-hallows-Eve. The harvest celebration and the holy days to honor the dead over time blended into a single holiday and became known as "Halloween". (To read more about the History of Halloween, the History of Jack-O-Lanterns and how Halloween came to America, visit History.com)
Saturday October 23, 2010 - Potter Road School Pumpkin Fair
Be sure to drop by Potter Road School from 11am-3pm for the annual Pumpkin Fair. There will be a bounce house, inflatable obstacle course, carnival games and prizes, arts & crafts, bake sale, pumpkin decorating, food and a whole lot more! New this year, bring in a new or used coat for our coat drive or your box tops for education labels (bagged by 10’s) and receive a prize ticket. The Pumpkin Fair is open the community (not just Potter Road families). Potter Road School is located at 492 Potter Road, Framingham MA.
Saturday October 30, 2010 - Pinefield Shopping Center / McAuliffe Library
Robinsons Hardware and other merchants in the Pinefield Shopping Center will be celebrating Halloween with a Classic Car & Truck Show, a Children's Costume Parade hosted by Circle of Friends Pre-school, kid-safe store-to-store Trick or Treating, drop in for crafts at the MCauliffe Library and more! Classic Truck registration begins at 9:00am, Classic Car Registration at 10:00am. The costume parade begins at 10:30am, (with trick or trating after parade). The McAuliffe Library will be hosting a "drop in craft", Framingham Fire Department fire prevention truck will be on hand from 9am-3pm. Pinefield Shopping center is located at the corner of Nicholas Rd and Water Street (in Saxonville). For more information, contact please contact Jeff Underwood at Jeff@Robinsons1874.com
Saturday, October 30, 2010 - 4th Annual Haunted Trolley Tour
The Framingham History Center is holding the 4th Annual Haunted Trolley Tour, with two trips departing from the Edgell Library on Saturday evening, October 30th, 2010. Special guests from the Framingham Community Theatre will narrate the spooky legends and ghost stories that abound on the back roads and main thoroughfares of our town. Take a 45 minute trolley ride through Framingham's mysterious past ...if you dare. Following the tour there will be an exhibition of sites seen along the route with refreshments, fortunes and special “old tyme” activities at the Edgell Library. Trolleys leave at 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. from the Edgell Memorial Library, 3 Oak Street. Tickets can be purchased on-line by mailing checks made out to FHC to Framingham History Center, P.O. Box 2032, Framingham MA 01703. (Note: the last haunted trolley tour sold out, so purchase tickets early!)
Every Friday & Saturday in October - Hanson's Haunted Hayride
Each October since 1993, Hanson's Farm and over 100 local volunteer ghosts, zombies, axe murders (and their victims) and other goulish creatures converge on the farm from 7:00pm to 10:00pm each Friday and Saturday night to thrill and scare you during an exciting hayride through the farm. Group rates available. Discount with student ID. Hanson's Farm, 20 Nixon Road, Framingham, for more info phone (508)877-3058.
Resources: Additional information about Halloween, and 2010 Halloween Events in Framingham can be found:
Potter Road School - http://www.framingham.k12.ma.us/potter.cfm
Robinson's Hardware - http://www.robinsons1874.com/
Framingham History Center - http://www.framinghamhistory.org
Hanson's Farm - http://www.hansonsfarm.50webs.com/
History.com - http://www.history.com/topics/halloween