Sannicandro Bill Supporters Give Gov 100 Foot Petition

Supporters and Rep. Tom Sanicandro present Gov. Patrick with petition at State House, June 21, 2011.
FRAMINGHAM, MA - State Rep. Tom Sannicandro, (D-MA 7th Middlesex District), who represents constituents in Framingham and Ashland, met with supporters this morning before a hearing on House Bill No. H159.
The legislation if approved will amend Massachusetts General Law, (MGL Ch. 71, Sec. 38G) to define a special "Transitional Services" teacher license.
Those teachers would be trained to assist and guide the successful transition of students with disabilities to activities after graduating high school including; furthering their education, gaining competitive employment and living independently.
Before the hearing, supporters along with Rep. Sannicandro, (who sponsored the bill in January), presented Governor Deval Patrick with a one-hundred foot long petition which contained 1000 signatures supporting the legislation.
Rep. Sannicandro is the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Higher Education.