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May 2021

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Sat, May 1st
Framingham Household Hazardous Waste Day
Framingham Department of Public Works (DPW) will host Household Hazardous Waste Day, Saturday, May 1, at the DPW Operations Center, 100 Western Avenue, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Residents can bring their household hazardous waste to be disposed of properly. Open to all Framingham residents -- proof of residency and face coverings required. Use link below for detailed information about which types of household hazardous waste items are (or are not) accepted using link below.

Sun, May 9th
Mother's Day
Mother's Day 2021 is celebrated on Sunday, May 9th. *** Happy Mother's Day to all Framingham Moms! *** Of course there's a connection to Framingham: In 1905 Anna Jarvis joined the campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized U.S. holiday -- the year her mother died. Her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis a Civil War era peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers from both sides created "Mother's Day Work Clubs" to address public health issues. She and fellow activist and suffragette Julia Ward Howe (who's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" was first sung in public in what is now Plymouth Church in Framingham), had been urging for creation of a Mother’s Day dedicated to peace ever since Howe's 1870 proclamation: The "Appeal to Womanhood Throughout the World" -- later known as "Mother's Day Proclamation"... Mother's Day became an official in the United States 1907....(click link below for more info).

Sat, May 29th
Pinefield Garden Club Plant Sale (Framingham Centre Common)
Saturday, May 29th, 2021, 9:00am - 12:00 noon *** Framingham Centre Common *** Looking for plants for your garden? Pinefield Garden Club is sharing plants from their gardens! There will be plants for the sun and shade, large and small, perennials and annuals for sale! *** The Framingham Centre Common is located off Route 9 at Edgell Rd., Framingham MA

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