Framingham Construction & Traffic Alerts, Week of Nov. 22-28, 2020

FRAMINGHAM, MA - The City of Framingham has released the following traffic alerts for the week of November 22nd - 28th, 2020, (note: construction schedules are weather permitting and are subject to change).
Cedar Street - Gas Main Relay - Eversource Gas will continue installing gas service lines on Cedar Street. A one-way alternating traffic pattern will be in effect. Expect minor delays.
Cochituate Road/Rt. 30 - Rail Trail Bridge Installation - Bridge and sidewalk work continues. Expect minor delays at times.
Indian Head Road - Gas Main Relay – Eversource Gas will continue relaying gas main and services on Indian Head Road. A one-way alternating traffic pattern will be in effect. Expect minor delays.
Nobscot Intersection - Improvements - Utility poles will be set, and electrical wires will continue to be transferred in preparation for the intersection improvements project. Expect minor delays at times.
Pleasant Street - Soil Explorations - a City hired contractor will conduct soil explorations on Pleasant Street (between Temple Street and Bosworth Road). Expect minor delays.
Union Avenue near Maple Street - Gas Main Relay – Eversource Gas will continue relaying gas main and services on Union Avenue near Maple Street. A one-way alternating traffic pattern will be in effect. Expect minor delays.