Framingham Online News

Popular Summer Concerts in Jeopardy

May 11, 2006 (4:45 pm EST)
Filed under: Arts & Culture by Deb Cleveland

FRAMINGHAM, MA -- Today, Jim Egan, Director of Buildings for the Town of Framingham, announced the popular Friday night summer "Concerts on the Green" are in jeopardy of cancellation.

The concert series, scheduled to commerce on Friday, June 2 and run through September 1, 2006 is seriously underfunded and the department is taking a hard look at cancelling it.

The schedule of musical artists and groups has been booked for the fourteen week season, but there is not enough money pledged to fund them. Like the Framingham Flag Day Parade, funding for musical groups comes from private sources, not from town funds.

Letters requesting funding have gone out to area businesses, but to date only Adesa-Boston, Bernardi Motor Group, TD BankNorth, MetroWest Daily News, and have committed to sponsorship with cash or in-kind services. The series is managed through the Building Services Department and requires approximately $ 20,000 annually.

Egan is hopeful that businesses will step up to the plate for this free series enjoyed by hundreds of families and seniors each summer Friday.

For information on sponsorships, call Jim Egan at Building Services, 508-532-5485.


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